Saturday, February 15, 2020

Strategic Alliances the Right Way to Compete in the 21st Century Assignment

Strategic Alliances the Right Way to Compete in the 21st Century - Assignment Example The author of the paper states that strategic alliances are detrimental to an organization for various reasons. First, they spur out organic growth. Such growth is not enough for an organization to achieve its stipulated mandate. It further speeds up the marketing process for the produced goods. In addition, many businesses are on the verge of embracing diversification of services and goods. No one business can fully be at the dispensation of having all-around skilled human resources. Hence, such alliances bring up elements of skills exchange. Moreover, there is an established trend in research and innovation, making the firm competitive globally.  It becomes easier for the business to venture in the market, as its operational base is stronger. Advancement in technology, ICT, and transport makes the entry point easier. Venturing out in the international market may be quite a complicated and expensive process, but there is a cost reduction in the case of two firms. It is easier to o vercome many obstacles such as hostile policies and competition. Shared knowledge and risks add up to become a strength to the firms.  Decentralized Federation applies when companies that are trying to expand in foreign countries are faced with domestic competition. Therefore, they require coming up with multinational strategies with a decentralized federation. Therefore, the requirement to form local production facilities, and to ensure that this local unit becomes increasingly independent. The internal culture of this organization should be able to embrace personal relations rather than formal structures, and economic controls more than technical/operational details. These local units have more functioning independence and strategic freedoms from their headquarters, and they are managed as a collection of an offshore investment instead of a single worldwide business.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Services-Learning Individual Reflection Paper Assignment

Services-Learning Individual Reflection Paper - Assignment Example The primary role of a community health care nurse is to render service that helps to rehabilitate people with special needs through prevention, diagnosis and treatment. In my selected community site, the role of a community health care nurse was to improve the quality of the patient’s life by restoring the functions caused by either temporary or permanent conditions and promoting good progress. The role of the community health care nurse is of utmost importance especially while working in a culturally diverse community due to the disparities relating to different cultures, castes, language, food habits and customs of different people. Utmost attention and care should be taken by the health nurse in order to avoid clashes of opinions in such vulnerable diverse groups. As a change agent in my community, it is imperative to acquire a high level of skills and knowledge of evidence based research in order to improve the standard of living of people with disabilities. Through collaboration of both education and practice, improving communication and other skills and keeping up with current research in the health care system, I could make my role as a change agent more meaningful. If I had to repeat such an experience in community health I would first update myself on the current research in the field by reading current literature on the subject and I would also try to visit such communities and gain hands on experience on how to care for people with special needs. To accomplish cultural nursing competency within a diverse community, I try to make myself more familiar with a patient’s cultural background, likes and dislikes, temperament etc. For example, I could welcome or wish patients in their own language or I could help them with things that they are familiar with in their culture or background. Co-ordination and integration of the knowledge gained through