Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on Technology and True Presence in Nursing - 475 Words

Technology and True Presence in Nursing According to the author, nursing practice needs to stay current with technological advances while keeping its identity as a patient focused profession. Nurses use technology to improve care from a patient?s perspective, both in quality of care and cost. At the same time, nurses must learn to balance technological knowledge with personal skills, thus providing optimum clinical care while maintaining a person-focused relationship with the patient. Technological advances enable nurses to provide accurate, timely care for a patient. This is due to the fact that these advances enable doctors and nurses to quickly diagnose, explain and predict the health-illness status of a patient, thus†¦show more content†¦This interaction aids the nurse in his or her integral role as provider of care and patient advocate, as well as, in the communication process with patient and family in regard to the patient?s health-illness status. Technology will never be able to effectively replace the nurse?s duties of listening, reassuring, and educating a patient. Dear Editor: In response to the 1998 article ?Technology and True Presence in Nursing? published in the Holistic Nursing Practice journal, I agree with the author that technology focuses mainly on the dependent and interdependent aspects of nursing. These roles depend heavily on the scientific medical data about a patient, which is communicated to the nurse through a physician and/or other medical professionals. This often includes ordering required testing, gathering clinical information, and diagnosing the patient. The independent role of the nurse is thus supported through technological advances by allowing the nurse to remain patient focused: spending time with that patient, establishing the important roles of communicator, educator and patient advocate while making independent decisions for that patient. Dear Editor, In response to the 1998 article ?Technology and True Presence in Nursing? published in the Holistic Nursing Practice journal, in relation to technological advances in medicine, I would disagree with the assumption that nurses may view their patientsShow MoreRelatedThe Use of Different Approaches and Learning Styles in Nursing Education996 Words   |  4 Pagesstyles Nursing is a discipline that demands the practitioner be able to understand higher-level abstract medical and scientific concepts, yet also deploy them in a hands-on manner. It requires the practitioner to learn from observing more experienced colleagues. Thus, using different approaches to teaching is not simply sound on the basis of the strengths of the individual students, but also a necessary part of teaching the art and science of nursing. The use of technology in the nursing classroomRead MoreIs It Our Future?1484 Words   |  6 Pagesin Healthcare NR361 January 25, 2015 Telenursing: Is It in My Future? 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Cultural Interview Is An Indispensable Element Of One s...

Introduction Nowadays, during the age of globalization, the ability to build bridges between the diverse cultures appears to be an indispensable element of one s professional success in almost any kind of career. In particular, interviewing an individual basing on the Twelve Aspects of Culture or Ethnicity implies a remarkable importance in terms of succeeding in cultural brokering. Subsequently, the analysis of the answers given during the cultural interview would be particularly helpful in terms of understanding the interrelations between the received information and the theories/concepts discussed in class. In addition, the received data may also serve as a practical illustration of the differences between the Personal and Group identities. Finally, the interview has largely changed my personal perspective and understanding concerning the work with the clients representing a different culture. Notably, speaking about the start of a personal career, there are several worth consideration points to be taken out of the interview. The interrelations between the answers and the theories/concepts discussed in class It is worth mentioning that the answers received during the cultural interview may be used as an example to illustrate the particular features characterizing the voluntary minorities in the US. Subsequently, the correspondence between the received data and the concept of voluntary/involuntary minorities is to be considered the major interrelation between theShow MoreRelatedDevelopment of Customer Experience-Based Brand Strategy for the Lenovo Group to Explore the Uk Market3485 Words   |  14 PagesD E S I G N M A N A G E M E N T P R A C T I C E I N I N D U S T RY Development of a Customer ExperienceBased Brand Strategy for the Lenovo Group to Explore the UK Market by Yuanyuan Yin, Ray Holland, Shengfeng Qin and Weicheng Wu and brand development analysis. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Machiavelli’s The Prince Free Essays

Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian historian, statesman and a political philospher. He was born on May 3, 1469 in Florence. He first entered the government service as a clerk and became prominent in 1498 when Florentine was proclaimed as a Republic. We will write a custom essay sample on Machiavelli’s The Prince or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Kemerling, 2006) Machiavelli was engaged into differen diplomatic missions and because of these missions, he met a lot of Italian rulers and studied their political tactics. After a long time of public service, the republic collapsed and he was driven from his post. It was in 1513 when he wrote â€Å"The Prince†, hoping that he can secure the favor the Medici family, thye ruling family in Florence that time. He addresed this to an Italian prince which is from the Medici family. (Encarta, 2007) The Prince is concerned with different principles that founded a state, hence, he described the method on how a prince can acquire and maintain his political power. He also stated in this book his belief that a ruler should not be bound by traditional ethical norms. (Kemerling, 2006) During the Renaissance, there were new attitudes toward politics that accompanies the new forms of political organizations. Huamnists stated that progress of a place should be natural and no-religious. Machiavelli’s The Prince tried to find a base for the art of governance not depending on Christian principles but on science. In 16th century, he focused more on how to preserve a state and these ideas were refrlected in The prince and became part of the political environment. This new political perspective appeared not only in Italy but also in the monarchies of the North and were introduced in different writings. Although it was not universally accepted, it was recognized during Renaissance and changed the political thinking. (Encarta, 2007) References â€Å"Niccolo Machiavelli†. retrieved April 28, 2008. http:/www.philosophypages.com/ph/macv.htm â€Å"Niccolo Machiavelli†.(2007). retrieved April 28, 2008. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2007. http://encarta.ms.com. How to cite Machiavelli’s The Prince, Papers Machiavelli’s The Prince Free Essays Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian historian, statesman and a political philospher. He was born on May 3, 1469 in Florence. He first entered the government service as a clerk and became prominent in 1498 when Florentine was proclaimed as a Republic. We will write a custom essay sample on Machiavelli’s The Prince or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Kemerling, 2006) Machiavelli was engaged into differen diplomatic missions and because of these missions, he met a lot of Italian rulers and studied their political tactics. After a long time of public service, the republic collapsed and he was driven from his post. It was in 1513 when he wrote â€Å"The Prince†, hoping that he can secure the favor the Medici family, thye ruling family in Florence that time. He addresed this to an Italian prince which is from the Medici family. (Encarta, 2007) The Prince is concerned with different principles that founded a state, hence, he described the method on how a prince can acquire and maintain his political power. He also stated in this book his belief that a ruler should not be bound by traditional ethical norms. (Kemerling, 2006) During the Renaissance, there were new attitudes toward politics that accompanies the new forms of political organizations. Huamnists stated that progress of a place should be natural and no-religious. Machiavelli’s The Prince tried to find a base for the art of governance not depending on Christian principles but on science. In 16th century, he focused more on how to preserve a state and these ideas were refrlected in The prince and became part of the political environment. This new political perspective appeared not only in Italy but also in the monarchies of the North and were introduced in different writings. Although it was not universally accepted, it was recognized during Renaissance and changed the political thinking. (Encarta, 2007) How to cite Machiavelli’s The Prince, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Marketing Strategies for Bank AL-ALM

Question: Discuss about theMarketing Strategies for Bank AL-ALM. Answer: Marketing Strategy for AL-ALM Marketing strategies are considered to be of immense importance for any of the concerned organization as it helps in providing the desired elevation in the growth of the concerned firm. AL-ALM is one of the most recognized Fully-fledged Islamic retail bank engaged in delivering financial products to all its customers. The marketing strategies consist of several factors which should be identified in order to enhance the effectiveness of the firm (Berthon et al., 2012). These are market penetration, development of the market, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, designing of new fresh products for the clients. The management team needs to understand the desired requirements of the customers and should formulate as to enhance the efficiency of the business procedure throughout the targeted market areas. One of the best strategies to promote the products and services of the organization is the effective use of the marketing mix. It consists of four of the vital e lements such as products, price, place, and promotion. Products: Financial products, as well as services, are being offered by the firm to all the Muslim along with the Non-Muslim customers. The quality and the features of the products as compared with the other competitors need to be improved on a large scale (Armstrong et al., 2012). Prices: Differentiation should be adopted in the pricing strategy as it helps to provide the desired elevation in the work processes of the firm concerned. Place: Companys website and the online platform will help in evaluating the desired growth in the business procedure of the firm concerned. Promotion: The products offered by the bank can be effectively promoted with the help of the social media and by different types of campaigning. Some of the other means of promotion are television, radio, newspapers and distributing the leaflets and brochures. Brand Building Strategy for Al-ALM In order to develop the desired brand image of the firm, the most important is to deliver superior quality of products as well as services to all of the customers. Innovation in the services and the products will help in attracting the attention of the clients (Leonidou et al., 2013). Moreover, in order to develop the brand image, it is important to develop a trust in the eyes of the customers. Moreover, the concepts of Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning needs to be evaluated as it increases the efficiency of the firm. Effectual communicational strategies help in providing satisfaction to the customers and improve the overall performance of the firm. Implementation of the multi-channel tools increases the will power of the customers to go and purchase produces from them. On the other hand, quick implementation of the respective economic scale is significant as it provides the preferred elevation in the growth of the firm. The corporate communication strategies have supposed to provide satisfactory services to the respective customers and this plays the major role in enhancing the brand image of the firm (Rustogi et al., 2014). Identification of the issues which sometimes comes while executing the business procedures needs to be removed and effective marketing strategies will increase the brand reputation throughout the concerned market areas. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2012).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Prentice-Hall, London. Berthon, P. R., Pitt, L. F., Plangger, K., Shapiro, D. (2012). Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy.Business horizons,55(3), 261-271. Leonidou, L. C., Leonidou, C. N., Fotiadis, T. A., Zeriti, A. (2013). Resources and capabilities as drivers of hotel environmental marketing strategy: Implications for competitive advantage and performance.Tourism Management,35, 94-110. Rustogi, H., Washburn, J., Hanson, S., Ham, S. (2014). Yale Lift Trucks: Brand building in the business to business market.Journal of Business Cases and Applications,12, 1.